…poate îți prinde bine ție, sfatul. Sau poate trebuie s-atingi fundul abisului, cu fața-n jos. Ca să-nțelegi. Că nu te poate ajuta nimeni. Nimeni. Atunci când ești gata despletit la suflet, și amenajat procustian de alții. Care te-au învins. Încet și sigur. Metodic. Forțându-te mereu ca Să te schimbi cumva. Să vorbești altfel. Să nu ai patos. Să-ți asumi prioritățile altora. Să te asortezi cu ei. Ei. Cei din liga A. Te-au desfăcut, șurub cu șurub. Te-au examinat și au decis că faci zgomot. Ți-au smuls bucăți de suflet și au zburat cu ele-n clonț. Și peste astea, sst, calmează-te, topește-te, blendează-te printre mediocri, ei sunt peste tot și a lor e împărăția românească. O singură persoană îți spune mulțumesc? Prinzi aripi, dar ți le taie ceilalți, până ajungi la colț. Uită-te în jur, ne-au copleșit. Iar dacă îți spui, vag, din ce în ce mai vag, era bine cum eram, simțeam, zâmbeam și primeam soare, te-apucă amețeala de parcă stai pe marginea abisului, dacă mă-...
The hypnotizing portrait
Jake was a good lawyer. He had an office in Bucharest. One day he got a letter from a friend. The letter said that his father had died and he was supposed to go into his old town were his father’s testament will was supposed to be read.
He packed a few things and he hurried to the car , even if his relations with his father while he was alive weren’t so good.
In a few hours he was in Pucioasa , a city on the south est of Romania , were his father house was. When he got there it was late in the evening. It was a big old house , with three towers, a big front garden and it had a big front gate.
He knocked and an old man opened the door. It was old John , the house keeper. He invited Jake in the house, and he told him to go in the evening room and to wait there. As he was walking through the lobby he noticed in the library a big painting featuring his grandfather. He stopped for a minute and watched it. He felt something entering into his body. For a second he felt strange, but then he was ok and went towards the evening room.
Here he saw a bunch of people that he thought he knew. When he looks better he recognized his cousin, an evil man , and some other people that he didn’t knew
At that moment a man entered the room and told them that they were there to get there part of Mr’s Willow, Jake’s father , fortune.
It was then when he found out that he had three other brothers , step brothers that he did not know.
The man said to them to go to sleep that night in the room upstairs because he will read them the testamen in the morning.
When Jake saw the painting again he felt strange again: “They say it is haunted. If you look long enough at it , it will hypnotize you. Of course that is not true , because I looked at it for hours and nothing happened”.
When Jake heard the voice he turned and saw a tall man with blue eyes , that said again.
“ Sorry! Let me introduce my self. My name is Alex Willow. I am the dead man’s son. You must be Jake , my step brother”. They shook hands and Alex went upstairs. Jake went too , he wanted to get some sleep because he was tried after the long trip. Hardly had he got into bed when someone started screaming. He quickly got out of bed and followed the voice. He walked through a corridor and found a big door. He entred and found his step mother screaming. When he asked her what what is wrong she pointed the bed with her finger. When he looked towards the bed he saw his other step brother , Robert , dead. The bed was red of blood.
He took Elen , his step mother , in the evening room , were everybody else had went , after they heard the noise. Jake told them that Robert was murdered by someone in his room. Everyone looked at one another suspiciously. Sudently The lights went out for two seconds and then there was light again. Alex and his cousin Fred were mising.
Jake decided that they should make pairs and start looking for them in the house. He paired with the man that called them there , Felix , Elen with her daughter Mary and John with the house keeper , Susan.
While they were searching Felix said to Jake : “ I think Fred did it. He looks like an evil man.” But hardly red had said the word evil when they found Fred. He was dead to. After they went to search the others , they found them all dead , except Alex. This was no doubt it was Alex. But then he realized that Alex was posesed by the gost of his grandfather who wanted to kill. He remembered that when he looked at the painting he heared a voice that was saying : “ Help me …Help me…I am traped…The old man took my body … and he put me in here instead of him! “
Then He saw Alex , the body of Alex with his grandfathers soul in it. In a second it kild Felix and jumped on Jake. After a fight Jake managed to run to the front door and got out. When he looked back he saw Alex siting at the door. Jake realized that he could not get out of the house. He was traped there.
Jake got into the car and didn’t look back. He told no one about what he saw there. He tried to forget everything.
Now, the old house remains alone in the wilderness. Everything is black in front of Jake. The house is covered by a shadow a long time to rule before…
AFTER 5 YEARS , Jake has received all his father's estate including the house in Pucioasa. But he never intended to return there in may.
One day when he returned from work, Jake found put on the wall where the fireplace is, his grandfather’s painting , looking at the portrait it said, "Thank you released me ... be blessed son!" Then Jake realized that his grandfather is free…
Jake has never returned in Pucioasa and he decided to sell the house to a British family.
Many years have passed since then and Jake is stell alive, and he stell wonders if it was a bad dream of hia youth or it was a horrible memory.
P.S.1: This was a real ghost story.
P.S.2: Did you really belive me?
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