…poate îți prinde bine ție, sfatul. Sau poate trebuie s-atingi fundul abisului, cu fața-n jos. Ca să-nțelegi. Că nu te poate ajuta nimeni. Nimeni. Atunci când ești gata despletit la suflet, și amenajat procustian de alții. Care te-au învins. Încet și sigur. Metodic. Forțându-te mereu ca Să te schimbi cumva. Să vorbești altfel. Să nu ai patos. Să-ți asumi prioritățile altora. Să te asortezi cu ei. Ei. Cei din liga A. Te-au desfăcut, șurub cu șurub. Te-au examinat și au decis că faci zgomot. Ți-au smuls bucăți de suflet și au zburat cu ele-n clonț. Și peste astea, sst, calmează-te, topește-te, blendează-te printre mediocri, ei sunt peste tot și a lor e împărăția românească. O singură persoană îți spune mulțumesc? Prinzi aripi, dar ți le taie ceilalți, până ajungi la colț. Uită-te în jur, ne-au copleșit. Iar dacă îți spui, vag, din ce în ce mai vag, era bine cum eram, simțeam, zâmbeam și primeam soare, te-apucă amețeala de parcă stai pe marginea abisului, dacă mă-...
Let me tell you my dream about the aventures of my imaginary world , where I remained trapped for a night. Someday some friends invited me at their cottage in the mountains to spend some days there. That’s ok, but wait, you will see, so it was me, Alex, Leo, Marc and some other friends of us. We arrived at the cottage late in the evening. We were tired after the long trip so we just went ti our rooms. We jumped into bed , but I remembered I had forgotten something in the car so I went to get it. Wen I went outside, I noticed it was a full moon. Man it was great , it was so big and shinny. When I approached the car I saw a shadow. I got scared and runed to the cottage into my room and into my bed. I was so scared, that I couldn’t tell my roommates anything.
The next day I tried to explain my self what happened the night before. When suddenly I remembered. It was a full moon and my mind immediately thought at werewolf. I knew it was crazy , but I had to tell someone so I decided to tell my friends. I gathered all of them in the living and told. First they laught at me , but then Alex said that he saw something to, so we started to get scared, but I said we should calm down and think about what we should do . I said we should make teames of two people and spread around the cottage, because the only way to find out if we were wright was to search for it that night, because it was a full moon.
We took some baseball bats and some lanterns and we went to look for it. I was with Alex on the roof with some lanterns and some binoculars searching for it, when we heard screaming comeing from the woods. We followed the noise to the woods and we saw Marc crying.We gat closer and we saw the bady of Leo Half eaten. We tried to calm Marc down and we asked him what hapend . He told us their were walking near the cottage when they heard a noise in the woods. They went to investigate when they got attacked by a big dog looking animal. He was hit and got off. The next thing he kenew , Leo was dead and eaten.
I said we should pack and run , but when I just finished saying that, the creature jump from the trees on Alex’s back and bite his head off. I hit him with the baseball bat in the head and he fell down. That was our chance. We started running to the car . We called the others and got in the car. We started driving. Then, just when I fought the worse was ever, the creatures jumped on our car and grabed Marc by the neck.
He was dead on an instant. I started screaming but I remembered I had a gun in the car. I took it and shoot it in the head. He fell on the road. I didn’t know if it was dead or not but I sure didn’t stoped to look.
Is a ray of sunshine in the morning and my eyes flood. I wake up in the car driving. Does everything I thought I dreamed really happened? ...
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